Signs You Are Narcissistic: Am I A Narcissist?

Are you worried you’re a narcissist?

If you're wondering, "Am I A Narcissist?" then this article is for you. We’ll cover the signs you are a narcissist and how to work on that! Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration. It can be difficult to recognize the signs of narcissism in yourself, but it's an important step towards personal growth and self-improvement.

In this article, I want to explore the signs you are a narcissist, from a preoccupation with status and power to a lack of consideration for others' feelings. We also discuss the impact of narcissism on relationships and offer tips on how to overcome narcissistic tendencies and cultivate healthier interpersonal dynamics.

Don't let your narcissistic tendencies hold you back from meaningful connections and personal growth. Learn how to recognize the signs you are narcissistic and take steps towards becoming a more empathetic and considerate person.

Right but am I a narcissist?

Ahhh, the million-dollar question we empaths will often ask ourselves once we realize that we have met with, loved, or been affected in some way by a narcissist.

My answer is no…and yes. I’ll explain why this is so. Try not to fret over my yes here because I think you will feel relieved once I explain.

First, I will let you know that very few narcissists ever stop and ask this question about themselves. They cannot self-reflect or be self-aware because then they would have to admit their shame and their wrong-doing, and that is just something they cannot bring themselves to do. This is for those who are truly diagnosable as having Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


Let’s define a narcissist before we continue…

The reason I said yes above is that all of us have narcissistic tendencies. There is a spectrum, if you will. We all have these tendencies because we live in a narcissistic world where false beliefs, shame from our caregivers and our inner critics, and fear and lies can create thought forms or limiting beliefs we take on as truth.

So, many of us empaths took on or sponged up others’ projections, behaviors, and beliefs and started wearing them like skin. We have taken on the blame that narcissists have given us, and we believe that we are at fault, making us feel shame. Shame causes people to act out, lash out, abuse others, and do other not-so-healthy things. However, the great news is that since you ask this question, you CAN heal and change this.

True narcissists likely cannot. They have been too traumatized early in life to be able to. Of course, I never say never because I believe in humans and think anyone who wants to change can change.


Top five signs you are a narcissist

Here come the big scary things to look out for. Remember, if you feel like you identify with some of these - that’s OK! It doesn’t make you a bad person and gives you some great things to work on in personal development. The truly scary thing would be if you had no self-awareness and went through life oblivious, hurting your relationships with others. You’re here and care enough even to investigate it, so that’s awesome!

That all being said it’s time to dig in. Here’s what to look out for in both others and yourself. If you notice the extreme end of these, it might be time to do some inner work.

  1. Grandiose sense of self-importance: Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-worth and believe they are superior to others. They may exaggerate their accomplishments, expect special treatment, and feel entitled to admiration and attention.

  2. Lack of empathy: Narcissists have difficulty understanding or caring about others' feelings. They may dismiss others' concerns, blame them for their problems, or exploit them for personal gain.

  3. Preoccupation with status and power: Narcissists may be obsessed with success, status, and power. They may be overly competitive, driven by a need to prove their superiority to others.

  4. Need for admiration: Narcissists crave attention and admiration from others. They may go to great lengths to be noticed or praised, and may feel threatened or angry when they are not the center of attention.

  5. Difficulty with criticism: Narcissists may be highly sensitive to criticism or rejection and respond with anger or defensiveness. They may also have a tendency to blame others for their problems or failures.

If you recognize any of these signs in yourself, it's important to seek professional help and work towards developing healthier interpersonal dynamics. With awareness and effort, overcoming narcissistic tendencies and cultivating more fulfilling and meaningful relationships is possible.


So, when you ask yourself if you are a narcissist and think about how you likely have been abusive toward others or have acted in narcissistic ways at times, the first step is to forgive yourself. There is such a thing as reactive abuse; sometimes, we react from being abused. And, if you have been blamed for someone else’s bad behaviors and you have taken on the shame as though it’s YOUR fault that someone abuses you, you can do things from a place of that shame that you don’t really mean to do. Hurt people hurt people, after all. However, suppose you don’t have a true, undeniable pattern of inflicting needless, intentional, and malicious harm onto others, and you don’t manipulate and control in a conscious way to have power and control over them. In that case, my guess is that you can heal and change.

Kristen Dicker

Hi, I'm Coach Kristen Dicker! I specialize in trauma and abuse recovery coaching, helping clients rediscover their true selves and embrace new life chapters. Interested in exploring private coaching, a supportive community, or free healing resources? Let's schedule a quick chat! Simply click here to book a time that works for you.


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