Balancing Your Inner Masculine and Feminine Energies Helps You Come Into Inner Union

Inner union leads to attracting your perfect counterpart externally.

While it is true that we all have masculine and feminine energies within us and we lean toward one energy more than the other, it is really important to find balance between the two internally. Why is this? It is because finding harmony within yourself leads to you finding it externally in the form of love relationships, work, and friendships. Being one with yourself and knowing who you are, what you want, what you believe, and feeling confident is the recipe for a good life that is clear and less confusing, too. And that is probably something many of us want, right?

Feminine and Masculine Energies Are Yin and Yang

I will refer to the inner feminine and masculine energies as “she” and “he” since these represent feminine and masculine energies, even though a person’s gender does not matter when it comes to the kind of energy that is most dominant in a person. Some men carry more feminine energy and some women carry more masculine energy. And sometimes people flip to one or the other depending on a situation or in relationships with certain people.

The feminine energy is yin energy and is allowing, nurturing, artistic, and empathetic. She releases control and surrenders to life and what life is offering by accepting what is. She is gentle and compassionate and can receive love. She mothers and holds loving space for the inner child to cry and feel scared, angry, or frustrated. She does not judge and has deep understanding for the inner child’s pain and fears. She promotes self-love and self-compassion. She is self-aware and works with the conscious and subconscious beliefs.

The masculine is the yang energy and is the action-oriented part of us that goes and does the things. He is confident, has discipline, logic, and structure. He protects the feminine and holds boundaries with people who are out to harm the entire unit. Within us, he helps us meet our goals and provides stability. The masculine fights the good fight.

When these energies are out of balance, however, the feminine energy can become needy and overly dependent like she is a helpless child. She feels like a victim of life. She can become enabling of others and codependent. She easily gets her feelings hurt and take things very personally. She can become a smothering mother. Or, she can become emotionally unavailable or sexually or creatively repressed.

The unbalanced masculine can either place his agenda onto everyone around him, be aggressive, critical, mansplain things, be forceful or he can be unmotivated, lack self-esteem, or have loose boundaries. This can make a person fight ANY or ALL the fights, not just the good kind. These energies get out of balance because of trauma and childhood wounding as well as life upsets.

The Feminine Sets the Standards; The Masculine Carries Them Out

The feminine is the more spiritually-attuned energy while the masculine is the more earth-bound or matrix energy. And, when in balance, this helps bring Heaven to Earth in a very symbiotic and synergistic way. The feminine is often the leader in the sense of having a clear idea of the values and standards needed to make life harmonious. She has empathy and understands how others feel. She knows that having high standards and not settling for less is important and healthy. This energy instinctively knows to never allow anyone to bring her down to a lower vibration and settle for breadcrumbs, abuse, and lower standards. She is not defined by others’ projections and does not take anything personally. She realizes that people have their problems and that these problems are not about her. When she embodies high standards and morals, she is in her goddess or higher self-state. The feminine in her goddess state helps the masculine rise up to his god-like state so long as she holds to her standards. Her inner masculine helps her hold these boundaries internally. Her inner masculine protects these standards and carries them out in the world.

Inner Union Can Be Yours

Isn’t this beautiful? This is how you can come into inner union and never need anyone to complete you ever again. You can be sovereign and strong, confident, wise, compassionate, and loving. You can hold space for others because you do it for yourself first. You are making YOU the priority. Do you see how this cannot be selfish? And, it is the definition of self-love.

The way to attract the most harmonious and peaceful relationship in your external life is to work on balancing out these two energies within yourself. This way, you will know your standards and boundaries and will hold onto them regardless of what anyone wants you to do. You will not accept abuse and will allow others to make their own choices and mistakes. You won’t take anything personally again. You will begin to attract people who relate to you on this same level and you will find your true tribe. You will know your worth and your passions. You will embody abundance and it will show up in your life as fun, money, and free time. You will find your life purpose and love going to work instead of loathing it.

When a person with dominant but balanced internal feminine energy and a person with dominant but balanced internal masculine energy come together in a relationship, the symbiosis is perfect. There is a natural ebb and flow with the feminine and masculine energies that makes everything cooperative and easy. When people come together who are unbalanced in their energies and are deficient or in excess of their dominating energies, it creates confusion, chaos, and stress.

I encourage you to balance your masculine and feminine energies and I am happy to help you do so!

In Wholeness,


Kristen Dicker

Hi, I'm Coach Kristen Dicker! I specialize in trauma and abuse recovery coaching, helping clients rediscover their true selves and embrace new life chapters. Interested in exploring private coaching, a supportive community, or free healing resources? Let's schedule a quick chat! Simply click here to book a time that works for you.


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