What Parts of You Object to Your Peace and Happiness?

You’re all about having peace in your life. You want fulfillment, success, true love, health, and abundance. So, what is stopping you from having it all?

I Want to Be Me But I Can’t Seem to Make it Happen

Many of us think about and say that we want inner peace. We want freedom to be ourselves unapologetically, too. It seems easy enough, especially if we do tactics or practices like the law of attraction or we focus on our intention. This is part of how we change our lives but it is not the entire story. Due to conditioning, ancestral patterning, limiting beliefs, and inner objections from our internal parts as well as the external objections we may get from others or even only perceive we will get from others, we can usually find a way to sabotage our best intentions and desires.

Why Do We Stand in Our Own Way?

Our beliefs about anything are what show up in our lives and even when we consciously think something, there is another part of us that needs to be in agreement with the conscious mind. This is the subconscious mind. When the subconscious mind believes something, it infiltrates our entire system. We embody (breathe it deeply into our body so that our body BECOMES it) what we believe and we live it out. The conscious mind, although rational and with loads of positive intentions, has to follow along with whatever the subconscious mind believes. It is at the mercy of the subconscious mind because the subconscious mind is the primal part and is in charge of keeping us alive and safe. So, it rules the roost.

If, for example, we embody the subconscious belief that we are worthless because we are ugly, fat, and stupid, we take on this belief. We believe it, we live it, and we notice that others are in agreement with it too since we are fully believing it and living it out like we mean it. Everywhere we turn, we are reminded that we are ugly, fat, and stupid. We can’t seem to “get” pretty, we can’t lose weight no matter how hard we try, and we always mess up even the simplest of tasks. Life seems to “prove” to us and give evidence to us in each and every experience that we truly are worthless. Our conscious mind will argue with us that we are not those things, but our subconscious is in charge of it all. Until we see what we are really believing, we can’t change our life trajectories.

To reiterate, we don’t consciously mean to stand in our own way, but on that subconscious level we stand in direct opposition to what our conscious mind wants for us. Our conscious mind wants to be happy and at peace, right? The problem is that, from early on in life due to parental neglect, abuse, or just happenstance and completely innocent mistakes our parents, caregivers, teachers, siblings, pastors, or others make, the subconscious mind becomes programmed to believe that we don’t deserve good things, that we are not good enough, that we are not lovable, that we are stupid, or that we are unworthy for some reason or for many reasons.

One way we can determine what our subconscious mind truly believes is saying something like this: “I deserve love because I am worthy” and listening to any part of you that objects and says something like this: “Are you sure? What makes you think you’re all that?” You can also notice life showing you your hidden beliefs in the form of people not wanting to love you, ignoring you, or not being interested in loving you. This gives you the “proof” that you are not deserving of love. And since this is actually NOT true and was only programmed into you by unknowing or mentally sick caregivers once upon a time, it can now be changed for good. The parts of you that seem to believe and are burdened by the lie that you are unworthy in any way at all need some love, attention, a reframe, or something else so that your intention of knowing that you deserve love is completely in alignment with all the parts of your mind. Your conscious mind, your emotional parts of your brain, and your subconscious mind as well as your body embodying the emotions of your beliefs all need to agree in order for your truest desires to manifest.

When we want to lose weight and we can’t seem to make it stick, this is due to a part of us that is sabotaging us. It’s not our conscious mind. The conscious mind is logical and it gets that we have to eat less and exercise, increase fiber, drink more water, balance the diet between all the macro-and micronutrients, and on and on. We all have the nutritional science to make it happen. Lots of information does not really guarantee change or any kind of real transformation. If that were the case, many of us would be healthier, wealthier, and in true love relationships by now. So, why do we sabotage ourselves? It’s simply a matter of our subconscious minds having another agenda or belief that keeps us from shedding the weight. Perhaps your body is afraid you will starve it to death, especially if you have been on fad or extremely low-calorie or low-fat diets in the past. Maybe you were sexually violated and now your body is trying to protect you from unwanted attention from the kind of people you have been attacked by in the past. And, to be honest, the way we talk to ourselves and shame our bodies also keeps our bodies in protection mode as well. There are many reasons that our bodies don’t always cooperate with us and it’s basically and simply due to the fact that your body listens to your beliefs about yourself and it follows suit. You are telling it that you hate it and that it’s not good enough, or you are over feeding it, drinking it, or starving it to death so it protects itself with fat or it eats its own muscles in order to shield itself from your abuse. Even death is protection from abuse so if you starve it, drink it, drug it, unprotected sex it, or overfeed it, it will eventually get sick and die. Your body and your subconscious mind do not give a rat’s fanny if your dream is to be the sexiest kitten on Instagram. Their job is to keep you alive and safe.

Change is Actually Not as Hard as We Think

There is so much hope in this area! The awesome part of my coaching is that every day, I get to help my clients become the happiest, most peaceful versions of themselves. They get to become abundant in health, wealth, and love by overcoming those pesky limiting beliefs that were created from their trauma as children. Seeing my clients happy and changed for the better is the absolute delight of my career. My job is to help you align all the parts of your brain so that your goals can be achieved in a very intentional and conscious way. It is not magic. I ask you very profound and deep questions that you might never have been asked before or ever considered thinking about that help you see your unconscious objections and come into your own awareness and find answers about yourself, change the narrative, step out of the past that keeps you held hostage and keeps you stuck, and move you forward onto the path you actually want to be on.

The parts of you that object to you being the person you want to be and having the life you really deserve and desire to have can be worked with and helped to relax and take their hands off the wheel. These parts that object to your changing, even if it is good and healthy change, have been leading you in your life since you were a little kid. They are actually little kids and kids don’t know too much yet. You are an adult now and you are intelligent, capable, resilient, and you have resources that you didn’t have back then. You CAN change and feel so much happier, lighter, and freer!

Kristen Dicker

Hi, I'm Coach Kristen Dicker! I specialize in trauma and abuse recovery coaching, helping clients rediscover their true selves and embrace new life chapters. Interested in exploring private coaching, a supportive community, or free healing resources? Let's schedule a quick chat! Simply click here to book a time that works for you.


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