Blooming Into You: Coming Home to Your True Self
Welcome to my blog
I have waited for what seems like eons to start my blog, and while I generally write blog-length posts in my Facebook group and on Instagram, somehow this seems different…more professional, maybe? Or, more REAL? I don’t really know, but I know it’s the start of something interesting for me anyway.
Who am I and why am I writing this?
I am Kristen Dicker, and I am just a normal person with four beautiful, talented, brilliant, funny, magnificent kids. (I am pretty modest about my kids, as you can tell.) I also have four pets: two dogs and two cats. I love to read, swim, bike, hike, and travel when I can. I am a multifaceted coach emphasizing health, life, spirituality, relationships, and trauma and abuse recovery. I am also a health writer, a health communication specialist, and a patient educator.
In school and life, I have learned a lot about psychology, sociology, nutrition, health, and trauma and abuse, and I have been able to marry all of these passions into an amazing career that I can be proud of and happy about. And I believe everyone can also find their truest and deepest passions and purpose in life—and we all should aim for these things! However, I don’t like to tell people they should do anything, so instead, I will say that I will invite everyone to find and live out their deepest passions and purpose.
The trauma and abuse thing
I think it all starts with the messages we receive as children that inform and influence our present-day circumstances (i.e., jobs, relationships, personal happiness, financial abundance, relationship with a higher power, health etc.) Very often, childhood wounding and trauma or abuse lead to a very powerful and often quite shaming and judgmental inner critic who reminds us (quite often) just how much we “can’t do this” or “measure up to that” (the list is endless depending on what our individual inner critics tell us). Usually, this inner critic is a part of you that has taken over the job of the critical caregiver who initially taught you that you were “not good enough” in some way or another. As this inner critic does its job of keeping you in line and safe (yes, I did say safe), your “limiting” beliefs (aka LIES!!) about yourself begin to carve out a deep trench in your brain. The more life happens and mistakes are made, the more “proof” your brain has that you are “not good enough”. And this “brain trench” (as I will call it) gets walked on over and over again endlessly. It simply becomes the path of least resistance, and it’s easier to think this way than to start a new pathway in your brain. From here, patterns of behavior based on these beliefs are formed, and, alas, your identity is solidified. (Not forever, thankfully; it can be changed. Not to worry!)
It is automatic and normal for us to tread along this pathway, and there are parts of your brain that actually insist that you stay on that pathway. (It’s like a computer program and it can be overwritten. Yay!). It believes you are better off staying exactly where you are instead of doing basically anything else, even if that thing is healthy or better for you in some way. It will cause you to self-sabotage. Has this ever happened to you?
How can coaching help?
What you BELIEVE about yourself is VERY powerful, so you might want to start to BELIEVE the opposite of “I am not worthy.” And this is where I come in.
Luckily, with my coaching, we can work past that part of the brain and rewire it. I help you find the limiting beliefs, change that old, outdated story you’ve been running along the brain trench with, and help you get onto a healthier pathway in a way that your computer program brain can actually be okay with. Then, your new habits (that I help you practice and hold you accountable to) and patterns become the automatic way, so that you can do the things you want to do without really thinking about them. They become your new normal instead.
I help you stop that inner critic’s bullying once and for all; help you release all that emotional baggage; and guide you toward a life that feels easier, calmer, and freer. You can feel more empowered, confident, and happy more (or all!!) of the time. You can start to manifest your best soulmate, your best soul friends, the job that makes your heart sing every day, and the abundance that the Universe really does want you to have. With reduced stress, you can be healthier in body, mind, and soul. You can love yourself and know that you are the priority in your life and that you are NOT selfish to assert yourself and feel confident. Loving yourself helps everyone!
Additionally, stress from these limiting beliefs creates tension in our bodies. Your past or present trauma causes nervous system dysregulation. As human beings, all we truly want is to feel calm, safe, and at peace. Would you agree?
We look to food, alcohol, sex, drugs, or gambling to calm down and make us feel better, right? We over-exercise and starve our bodies to be loved and accepted. We believe this will help us to feel calm. This is truly ALL our bodies want—to feel peace. To be calm.
But, if all we ever do is try to put a band-aid on our pain, we can’t actually heal. We need to get to the root of what CAUSED the pain to begin with, heal it, and THEN do the healthier things that bring us back into calm—where we belong. Our bodies heal in a state of calm, not in a state of stress. So, being calm is BEST for our bodies, minds, and souls.
And, as an added benefit, once that emotional baggage from those old beliefs and stories are cleared out, it becomes EASIER to do the things you love doing; move your body and choose healthier foods that are good for your specific body; love your body more and feel good in the skin you are in; feel more in control and organized with your daily life; be more present with your kids and partner; and work more effectively and efficiently. You can choose yourself, stop abandoning yourself, be more authentic, stop people pleasing for love and approval, have strong and healthy boundaries, stop caring what others think about you, and so much more!!
The trauma and abuse you have been met with in your life CAN be overcome, and you CAN thrive and be happy and free of your emotional enmeshments, poor physical health, and your past. demons. You can live in the moment and stop fretting over the past or worrying needlessly about the future. You can move past toxic relationships, narcissistic bosses, painful family dynamics and CHOOSE to attract better. It really does start with finding and removing what keeps you stuck and in self-sabotage. It starts with healing the inside before we can heal the outside.
Welcome to my blog and my site. I am so happy you are here!